imagine if
all the accidental musics wrung

Sometimes a song I’ve been listening to intently for ages suddenly rolls past in a different setting, the studio rather than the live performance, or another performance of it at some other gig somewhere in some other dive across town… and I all of a sudden realise, unwelcomely, that favourite line I so exquisitely cherished is in fact a simpler, balder statement or plea than what I had heard… and what I’ve been singing all of this time. Whenever this happens I wish I could take it back, unhear it I mean but also take it deep into myself, have that line – which in a kind of unintentional way, perhaps I wrote, or cowrote – for my own and smuggle it into some other song, illuminating some other life. I guess you could do this (I could, I mean) if you acknowledged the spurring accident… as in a piece of poetry or a painting made in response to something made by someone else, a work that brings to conscious light an insight some artist you are not has already articulated. Maybe then.
Yep we are all here to inspire each other xx
I agree, Glenda! Thank you for all the inspiring you’ve done. I sometimes remember cycling through inner Melbourne with you, with our waterproof panniers, collecting all the compost you’d persuaded cafes to set aside who otherwise would have turned it into methane and climate change via landfill… and the bins in your back yard to which local people contributed and from which they could harvest soil… I love looking up to & across at you.