taking care of the place
bible full of prostitutes
Prostitution: my wife doesn’t understand me (by providing herself as a slave to my sexual needs)
Terrorism: the world doesn’t provide me with slaves to my sexual needs. All the pretty girls in high school never looked at me. I will martyr myself and be attended to by virgins.
Hollywood: a girl catches my eye. She is an element of the undifferentiated landscape which God (also a Lone Male Hero) has provided for my glorification and use. She resists me. I overcome her resistance via manly perseverance, knowing what she wants better than she knows herself, and stalking.
Bible > US Constitution: I have the right to own slaves, including willing women slaves, and to stalk the landscape stroking my gun. I will use enslaved peoples to bring the natural world into submission and use my much-stroked gun to force the rebellious world to heel.
World economy: see US Constitution.