funny how
the cold, the dark, the spots on my apples

So cold outside that I can keep cheeses and yoghurts fresh by stowing them in between the inner and outer window. So warm in my room that I can ripen bananas by just letting them sit on my table. Not that there’s anything at all strange about that, Europe.
Interesting & different than Oz.
It is different, isn’t it, Diane? Every time I think I’m used to it, some other aspect of newness comes knocking me over.
I’m reminded by this of something my sister reported of her exchange student time in Norway. Her host family had a holiday home in the north. It had a hatch in the lounge room wall & behind that hatch the vodka & schnapps were kept in the snow.
Imagine going further north for your holidays when you already live practically in the Arctic Circle. I guess they’re going further into the wilderness, like Australians do. I stayed in a hotel in Denmark which set out a bottle of schnapps in a little circle of glasses at the breakfast buffet. “Please help yourself” the sign said next to it – and people did.