funny how

Yesterday I was at my friend’s place after a thunderstorm and she had a little curving highway of ants running up over her wall, so tiny they looked like caterpillar’s eyelashes, and I said look! at these teensy ants so busily there: my friend goes, ugh they are always in my kitchen and I can’t stop them, they’re following some signal or some path and I said, as it popped up in my head like a mushroom, “Antstagram!”
She has a butcher bird who comes visiting to court her and he stands on the windowsill making himself big with fluffing feathers and we always imagine he is preening, see, me, I’m gonna build you a beautiful nest and make you feel at home, my beautiful incoming wife. To comfort her about the ants I told her about the instinct that woke me in the middle of last night and so I turned on my light to read, and found a huge spider size of the palm of my hand trundling slowly up the wall beside me, carrying in her jaws a giant cockroach. The two of them froze and every time I turned back on the light they were still there and in the morning I found just the roach carapace glued onto my wall with spider saliva which marked the spot where this roach died and that spider had enjoyed a most delicious, crunchy very fresh meal.
Very entertaining. Thank you. It reads better than many a published short story. Maybe consider submitting a version to a competition 🤔
Thanks so much Kathryn, what a generous remark. I might do that. I appreciate the suggestion.