…, too proud to remind him I am with child and then he knocked me to the ground in our tiny house and walloped me over the head with a book so hard he broke its spine and I miscarried and that child will now never be born and I miss the joy and the tedious frustration and the chance to love and care for her or for him, every day, and I will be sad not all the time but every week about the death of this life I carried inside me here until the aftern…


…se batts you put into ceilings for insulation. We thought she was going to die. The doctors seemed to think so, too, and they told us, the family should come. When I came out of my own appointment next morning Mum had turned a sharp corner and by some miracle of resilience was sitting up in bed eating a sandwich. I was thinking what if she dies, what if she really does, what if she is dead already and she is gone and she’ll never know I have this….

…auna. You won’t let them out at night and Australia is crosshatched with Boundary Streets and Boundary Roads. You torment and torture men and women who have not paid a fine or who are drunk and disorderly and allow malicious racist police to murder them in cells. Imagine tolerating the suffering of a longstanding people who contract in their remote communities Dickensian diseases. Imagine ignoring the wisdom and courage of this oldest continual cu…