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He didn’t want to be President. Not if President means making sticky decisions, and being blamed for things (most of the world calls this ‘adult responsibility’), and being woken at four to read the papers. more
Every week I cross town on the train and we pass a tower block of identical grey-frame units which have grey balconies. One balcony, at eye level with the train, has a bright pink inflatable more
I may or may not have been down to the markets today to visit the man who runs a wonderful salami stall; he offers salamii (that's the plural) of goose, duck, venison, and pig. This more
The young man in the place where we are staying is Moroccan and comes from the desert, which he describes to me as 'sympa', sympathetic, a kind place. As opposed to the hustle and throng more
Alone in the house for the first time in days I feel a sadness descend and take me in its wings. I'm sad for Dad. It has come from pottering and tidying, I washed up more
I've joined a Facebook group which posts pictures of people's dogs. The rules are long and repetitive: only dog pics and pics of dogs being doggish and cute: no lost dog posts, no questions about more
Last year and the year before that and four years ago too we went down on the train to West Germany, to a tiny village lying under the skirts of the old woods. This is more
Late night walk through the freezing fog. "Like Blade Runner." We turn down all the opportunities in the park to buy pot. Here is a street where all the houses are Fifties, which must have more
A homeless man was sleeping in the stairwell when I came home. Or, to put it in the terms which my instinctive body understood, a stranger, appearing unexpectedly, had barricaded my door; his body was more