Stories from all categories

happens so fast
Mum's in hospital. Dad's in hospital. Both in the same hospital and admitted on the same night. He has pneumonia, we think, and they're waiting for the results of the PSA test on his prostate more
the two languages of dream
I went to a strange and interesting event which was sentimental and yet truthful and moving. Afterwards we stood around in tiny groups and two men who had spoken out about crying in public put more
the blooming grime
Though I live in one of the grimiest areas of Berlin, and that's pretty grimy, right now and for a few short blessed weeks I can walk - from my house - clear down to more
Department of Honour
I just acquired the most beautiful new German word. We are discussing privilege and a new acquaintance says he has to do something ehrenamtlich - oh, how divine, can 'ehrenamtlich' mean 'voluntary'? An 'Amt' is more
favourite moon
It's a moonlit night and I am with my favourite person. I am lying on his chest. He lies propped up against the head of his bed whence I propelled him via my exhaustion and more
for you, now that you no longer need it
My friend has died. She was very courageous and had cancer. She was a photographer, a maker of exquisite works. She was Dutch and chose euthanasia when the pain she was suffering became, after months, more
new under the sun
Walking through the park in the unexpected sunshine yesterday I realised suddenly: strolling through summer in Berlin is like strolling through an off-duty circus. People are riding bicycles with no hands, they are taking turns more
spring peaces
The hottest bath imaginable. Coconut oiled my hair. Wrapped head to hip in towels. New book and early to bed, ahhh thank you blissful alone time. I can hear people on the street outside cobbling more
always the waitress
I saw a couple come into the cafe out of the sun, I have seen them before. One woman has a sour aspect and it is difficult to get her to return a smile. Her more