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"Meet us at Southbank on Saturday night, birthday party, surprise party." We turn up late, missing the great unveiling, and sit at the very end of a long table outdoors. Gray Street is one long more
What if the things we are most dependent on are insufficient substitutes for something else? Walking home from my first independent visit to the gym - no trainer - and feeling throughout my body how more
To overcome a longterm injury I've taken on some personal training, in a stinky gym paved in black rubber. I can only afford two half hour sessions per week so we need to get us more
I was chopping wood today & remembered a guy from Wales many years ago who was missing two fingers from his left hand. He described how he felt the sickening, impossible thing... then his first more
It's getting dark. The gentle end of a slow and satisfying farm day. My farm is a tiny lakeside property which belongs to an absent friend. I am alone today. Last night we walked round more
Hooray, I just perfected a new & absolutely unexpected skill. You know when you have to write blurb for a festival or a book release and it is so so painful to describe Oneself, One's more
Finally my bike! There have been various substitute treadlies in between but my own blue bike, bought in Alice Springs a decade back, is now out of storage and dusted and greased and today for more
. today the way the world is run and the people who run it making me tired tired of not saying "you make me feel" tired of I instead of you statements. You make me more
Last week on the market I spoke to the girl queueing before me at the fruit stall. She had said to the cashier, Could I have a bag for that too please? which focused my more