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Last night I saw an amazing film. It uses South Australia as a post-Collapse landscape, compellingly. The Rover. Apart from the number of actors being shot dead at point-blank range with no warning, I found more
In the back of my ute is so much soil and sundry scraps of leaves and dirt that I just found, in the seams of the rusted steel, a tiny plant growing. I plan to more
Brazil has, how can I put this, the richest store of remaining rainforest in the universe. THE UNIVERSE. In the middle of this pristine and irreplaceable pharmacy they have built a giant stadium for football. more
A house nearby is small, wooden, and humble, a tiny workers' cottage in the classic Queensland style. Only it's been done up like an Ascot knot with a formal grey-and-dark-grey paint job, art-gallery landscaping (blades), more
"To truly understand something is to be liberated from it." This fascinating film held me riveted. It's completely reinvigorated my view of the everyday life I lead and its purpose. I'm so glad I stumbled more
Fought the good fight, and won. The battle if not the war. We came home an hour ago to the sound of jackhammers ringing up and down our street. It was 10pm. I rang the more
At my last place I cut down one of those plastic "NO JUNK MAIL PLEASE, thank you!" stickers and clapped it on my letterbox so that it said: NO JUNK. This didn't stop some people more
I went and sat in a church for an hour. Outside and around us the traffic and screaming world swirled. I sat limply, examining nothing, letting my gaze rest like butter on the high colour more
Bought The Saturday Paper, the one not owned by a misanthrope sadist. Carried it into my favourite weekend cafe and sat down. They were playing the Rolling Stones: bloke music. The first sentence that caught more