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comfort reading in a world gone wrong
My comfort reading is romances and children's literature from the 50s, 60s, and 70s. What I find comforting is that it describes a world I can recognise, whereas the world outside my door feels oftentimes more
the stolid inability to learn
Somehow I just made enough dahl for twelve people. There's two of us. Similarly every time I make a cup of tea I pour in just too much boiling water so that when you get more
controlled by guns
I don't know why there's not more discussion about the connection between entitlement and mass shootings. "Something went wrong in my life, something didn't go the way I wanted it to, I deserve everything to more
light and shade
Today was a sad and complicated day and I couldn't get myself off the couch. Life seemed at once too little and too much and I lay coiled under a faded rug that I love, more
Wednesday afternoon in the Valley
Two girls in high heels and tiny skirts chatting outside Eye Candy peep show. A dishevelled guy lying supine in the bus stop bench with his arm slung negligently over the side, as comfortable as more
on not being a brand
Had to write a blurb about myself - a bio - for Queensland Poetry Festival. Oh, the horror. Describing oneself & talking about one's work... is there anything yukkier. I hammered out a couple hundred more
bushel of sanity
When I walk downhill carrying my computer and the old man sitting underneath the tree nods when I say, marvelling, There's a lovely butterfly clinging to the underside of that hedge, brown one, just hanging more
Last night, lying on the couch wrapped in a blanket and reading his book, my companion said, thoughtfully, "Now is about the time I wouldn't mind watching some football." Ah, if only we had a more
flowers upturned
Tonight I passed a very low hedge, glossy and cropped to ankle height. Into the shining thicket of its waxy green leaves someone had dropped two white flowers, different flowers, lying face upwards as though more