Stories from all categories

It's going to be my birthday on Saturday, along with perhaps 19 million other people. Good Lord, though - how did this happen so fast? Heard a guy saying the other day, and I think more
til the day I die
This morning carrying coffee I walked past the hostel where an old Aboriginal man, gold-chocolate skinned and with a round white beard, sometimes sits in a folding chair under the trees waking up slowly. He more
Mothers Day
Want to know why I dislike Mothers Day? We were in a cafe, crowded against the wall by a spreading table of one family, all hunched over in their chairs: grandfather, husband, brother, wife, and more
I cannot describe what a privilege it is to have a home of my own after two years of house-guesting, couch-surfing, and six-week sublets. A friend who is also deeply introverted said, You must feel more
Capetown, South Africa
Getting a phone line connected. Guy: "So you're all good to go!" Me: "Can I ask you a personal question? You have such a beautiful accent. What is your accent?" Guy (laughs): "I'm in Capetown, more
dancing, just dancing
Dancing in the dark. It's so beautiful. I heard about it back in Melbourne, where it was born (and so was I), and just kept not going because I felt too shy to go on more
the sweetest noose
Ok, so: imagine you have a lover whose second language is English and who one day refers to you unexpectedly as his spoose. Your spoose is another word for your beloved or your partner and more
Swiss medicine
A lucky, lucky bike accident. I was following the river on a very narrow path, about a foot wide, and it was bumpy. Tree roots, little soft holes where the soil has rotted away with more
tattoo virgin
Wandered into a cavernous caff in West End and the girl there was showing me her tattoos. I am squeamish and have never pierced my ears. Tattoos are beyond me, I wouldn't, I couldn't. We more