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Yesterday morning I woke in that state known so satisfyingly as A Towering Rage. Must've had infuriating dreams. The sun came in my window and all the injustices of life lined up around me and more
Today on the markets I saw a man hit his child. He and his wife were standing among the racks of a bright clothing stall, I did not see what the boy had done but more
Berlin, Berlin, I cannot but love you. Unbelievable, unmistakeable. The contrast to Copenhagen is immediate. At the airport nothing works. Every toilet is barred with tape and the man in the kiosk is grumpy but more
To me facebook is like a cocktail party, a clubhouse, a series of treehouses strung out among browsing forested hills. It resembles a cache, a sparkling wet beach, a web. It feels like the old more
Wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen. I just love it here. Invited by some new friends, in fact someone I'd met once, to spend ten days roosting in the writing cabin in their garden. We got talking at more
I'm alone in the house and my heart feels filled with love. It's a feeling like glass-slippered waves coming in over your feet on the sparkling, rough sand, so shallow you barely get wet but more
Last night a lost soul brushed past me on the street and I could feel the black, sucking wind. She was very beautiful, extremely young, just-enormous eyes. Bare feet and ankles swollen like stumps. Bruises. more
Proud of a conversation I had, in German, with the guy in the corner shop just now. He met me just inside the door, and rolled his eyes vehemently. "I was just about to close!" more
Last night I slept under my own roof for the first time in four months. So to speak. It's a beautiful sublet in a groovier part of town, bristling with bars, but very quiet behind more