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On the market I bought a tiny chopping block made from olive wood. It's dense and silky and only a little larger than my spread hand. I was about to hand over the money when more
An hour ago I made friends with two Israeli dudes selling Vietnamese knives on a drearily dripping, cheerily lighted Berlin market. It is so warming and cozy to wander under damp vinyl awnings and it more
Just now walking down the street the most miraculous small experience. It's growing dark and the shop windows glow like lamps. I came out of a side street full of bars and cafes onto a more
The place I've sublet has a shelf of Joanna Trollope novels and I've just reread two of them. It's so interesting learning all the signs she uses to indicate class. In the gentry, rudeness indicates more
The problem of hipsters. Nobody is one, yet everyone complains about them. It's a bit like environmental damage: everybody thinks someone else needs to change. I am listening to the couple at the next table more
On New Year's Eve after a quiet dinner party at the home of a Romanian artist & Swedish poet, I climbed the round hill that gives Kreuzberg its name: cross mountain. In the dark it more
First date in a cafe. "They always play such excellent jazz here," he is saying. "Try the cakes, they're always good." "Right," the girl says lightly. He has over-ordered, wanting to induct her into his more
A guy in an aggressively shiny waxed car reefed in front of me all of a sudden, as I was travelling by bike towards a red traffic light. There was nowhere to go but brake. more
chapter xi: the window does not trap what it views At the wilderness fundraiser we are third from the top, through no merit of our own. We are a last-minute substitution, they’ve bought tickets expecting more