I spend a lot of time in this household running downstairs to close the door and just breathe. I duck out to coffee houses and get sane again. I spend time among the trees, or failing that, among the pot plants. This morning a friend of my father’s, a gracious fellow whom Dad first met […]
God, I feel so depressed about the American midterm results today. What seems clear is: the more frightened people become about the horrors of climate disaster, water wars, drought refugees, the more they vote for these cowboys in the big hats who say: The Lord spoke to me personally, and told me… how to save […]
Yesterday I accompanied a friend to a medical specialist who has been urging invasive and ill-tested procedures, saying, “Don’t you want to go with the science?” We were talking about the weather, to cover an uncomfortable examination. The doctor pointed out that in Europe it has actually been colder lately. He said, “So much for […]
I feel tearful this morning and my chest is aching with grief. Luckily my housemate & host made us both laugh just now by describing, with infinite wryness, the ruthless player she is partnered with today (“I have to go all the way to Zurich & then it’s like the Olympics”) before leaving with her […]