In the supermarket I was queuing in front of a woman with a lot of groceries. Her arms were laden and I stepped aside to offer her the space to put her stuff down on the conveyor. Germans are possessive about their conveyor space and it remains the only country where I have ever had […]


Dad’s number is 0412 195 957. Mum’s number, obtained in a different year and from a different phone company, is separated from his by only two digits. For years their numbers were almost the same and then Mum put Dad’s mobile through the wash and now Dad has cancer in his blood. The doctor’s stopped […]


Brazil has, how can I put this, the richest store of remaining rainforest in the universe. THE UNIVERSE. In the middle of this pristine and irreplaceable pharmacy they have built a giant stadium for football. FOR FOOTBALL. It has no roads leading to or away and during the World Cup it will be used four […]