I had a beautiful friendship once, with a woman who is also a writer. We read each other’s works in a kind of ecstasy of communion, making notes at every page. Our conversation was easy and delving, muscular and gracious, exploratory and frank. Then men who wore make up began appearing on the covers of […]


He didn’t want to be President. Not if President means making sticky decisions, and being blamed for things (most of the world calls this ‘adult responsibility’), and being woken at four to read the papers.  What he wanted was to be Mr President. Good morning, Mr President! He wanted to star in the biggest ticker-tape […]

The people dancing on bus stop rooves. The leggy punk marching in ugg boots. The giant skinhead I followed for several blocks who had a gentle face, was six foot eight or nine, and had a dolphin tattoo round the back of his skull. The raddled Australian surfer turning steaks on his roadside barbecue and […]