about Cathoel

Hi, welcome. Thank you for visiting.

I’ve been writing since the age of nine and as a child made little films, invented a language and, briefly, a religion, got interested in photography, and began to compose long, complicated pieces of music on gamelan instruments and household objects. In 2011 I took my songs into a studio in New York and brewed up the debut Hey, Big Splendour, which features a sprawling collective of nearly thirty musicians I met in jazz clubs, at jams, on subways and on street corners.

My first publication was poetry: Going for the Eggs in the Middle of the Night. This collection sold out its first edition of 1000 and is now in reprint. A second collection of poetry titled Comb the Sky With Satellites, It’s Still a Wilderness was released September 1st, 2014 and is in its second edition.

My dear, brilliant Cathoel, why aren’t you famous?

Phillip Adams

In my opinion you will be one of the greatest artists
this country has produced.
Bob King Crawford

Your voice is hypnotic.
Vangelis Hondroukakis

Such a beautiful, resonant, sad, husky, interesting,
soothing, well-disciplined voice.
Jordie Albiston

I keep your book on my coffee table.
Carolyn MacKinnon

Like Leunig, but on fire.
Alex Bradley

This book is a beautiful piece of work.
Kate Wild, reviewing in Cordite

Cathoel Jorss is poetry.
Sandy McCutcheon

Many thanks for your wisdom. You have the eye and the instinct.
Robin Archbold

Poetry taut with intelligence, modest only in not falsely inflating its subjects, with supple lines freighted with clear, sensuous imagery combined with a raw tenderness that is nicely judged.
Doug Leonard, reviewing in West End Neighbourhood News

Powerfully engaged and sensitive observations.
Stephen Lawrence

The total impression is of a first-rate artist at work.
Kerry Leves, reviewing in Overland

13 comments on “about Cathoel

  1. northern light says:

    TICK! (=big tick)

  2. jennifer jackman says:

    Oh Cathoel! What a pretty, inspiring website! I’m envious! I want one! I’ve stuck it in my ‘popular’ sites list, so i’ll be checking in regularly for meditations in joy. I’m glad you have created this portal for your fellow humanoids to enjoy your work. I can only thank you again. Best of luck with it, but I don’t think you’ll need it! Wonderful and beautiful, love Jenniferx

  3. Brendan Kelly says:

    Shiny, lithe, flowing. A wonderful website full of your magic. What a joy! I am so happy this is here so I can visit a little piece of your world whenever I want. Thank you, my dear Cathoel.

  4. Margosha says:

    Cathoel, this swanky new-look website you have made is a delight, is easy to navigate, features intelligent wordsmithery, is interesting and quirky, with a smorgasbord of wonderful observations and ideas expressed, and it intrigues the reader. On my favourites list, now.
    Hey Cathoel, “Write me a river… !” Wow! Go Girl!

  5. Cathoel Jorss says:

    I so appreciate these thoughtful comments. Jennifer, it is wonderful & beautiful of you to say so, thank you very much! Brendan, I’m so glad you like it. I look forward to your visits. Margosha, thank you kindly. I will!

  6. Bridget says:

    So my heart has skipped a beat. Your magnificent soul and kind, generous, thoughtful, intelligent, sensitive heart are palpable in everything you do. You are indeed a great inspiration. Thank you for the sensory overload. Thank you for the beauty. Thank you for the magic. Blessed be sista!

  7. Phil Porter says:

    Yay to you Cathoel!

  8. Christine says:

    Great website! Great to finally see all your beautiful stuff accessible in the one place. I love the clean, fresh, easy-to-navigate layout.

  9. Sophia Wood says:

    Excellent format- I love this x

  10. Gabriele Henriette Panning says:

    I surved a little bit through your Internet-presence – inspiring!! Yeah – I should have looked before I did come to the De Vlierhof… so wonderful what you show here and at other parts. It’s clear, open, true… and I love this word of Howard… “Don’t ask what the world needs, ask what makes you come alive…” I am allowed to live about 60 years and now I have the impression, it is high time (so the german saying) to find out, what really makes me be alive…. I hope… If you like, do a dance in behalf of… could help!!
    Big hug Gabriele

  11. Jonathan says:

    Cathoel, Your writing is so truthful, honest and powerful, and yet at the same time, incredibly poetic. I just read your blog post “Falling, and Small, and Very Far Away” on Medium. I feel like I’ve been punched in the guts, and somehow haunted by your feelings of loss.

    • Cathoel Jorss says:

      Thank you indeed, Jonathan. That story was painful to live through, hard to write, and I’m sorry to hear it was hard to read. Thank your for sharing your compassionate resonance. Cx

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