street life

cafe dating

cafe dating
Written by Cathoel Jorss,

First date in a cafe. “They always play such excellent jazz here,” he is saying. “Try the cakes, they’re always good.”

“Right,” the girl says lightly. He has over-ordered, wanting to induct her into his routines. “I think heaven must be an eternal breakfast,” he says. The girl is drinking coffee as though it were ice cream, with a spoon. Elbow on the table she slumps onto her hand. “May I?” She tears the best bit off his croissant, the fresh, unbroken, creamy end of the horn. I watch him watching it all the way into her mouth, his resentment almost audible.

Now the waitress brings his fruit salad, poignant with yoghurt. The yoghurt shimmers fat and glossy and unbroken. “Go ahead,” he says, “try.” She shakes her head. The third dish arrives, two soft-boiled eggs in a glass, with pretty salad arranged all around it in a tide. “I’ll just try a bit of your egg,” says the girl to her date, having presumably told him she is not hungry, that she never eats breakfast. “Or maybe I can just take half, some salad, a little of your bread?” She draws the saucer from underneath her coffee cup and holds it out.

“I usually don’t ruin it,” he says. “They always arrange it so nicely here. But – yes! Please! Of course you can! Please: help yourself.” They are neither of them native speakers but both speak in English. I think she is Spanish and I think he is German. His voice is soft and seducing but I think the relationship is off to a stony start. Now they are talking about her work. “It’s an animal. No, it’s a fung, a fungus, right?” “Ja,” she says, “a fungus.” “Have you ever given a name to a bacteria?” he asks her. “There must be some good bacteria out there.” Maybe tonight this girl will call one of her closest friends. “There must be some good men out there,” they will say. Maybe the man will ask himself how come a woman can be so resistant to being induced into the world he has already arranged so perfectly for her. It just has this one hole to be filled, a her-shaped vacancy. Why won’t she fill it? Don’t women want love?

11 comments on “cafe dating

  1. Cathoel Jorss says:

    Ah Ve c’est vrais! the best bit of anything is the heart

  2. Loni says:

    Eavesdropping is such fun. I used to sketch and eavesdrop if they spoke English. A good croissant is all good part.

  3. Russell says:

    Will she bend to his ways? Will he bend to hers? Will they bend closer together, or just touch a little, fleetingly?

    • Cathoel Jorss says:

      I kind of imagine they might touch a little, unbendingly.

      Sex Without Love

      How do they do it, the ones who make love
      without love? Beautiful as dancers,
      gliding over each other like ice-skaters
      over the ice, fingers hooked
      inside each other’s bodies, faces
      red as steak, wine, wet as the
      children at birth whose mothers are going to
      give them away. How do they come to the
      come to the come to the God come to the
      still waters, and not love
      the one who came there with them, light
      rising slowly as steam off their joined
      skin? These are the true religious,
      the purists, the pros, the ones who will not
      accept a false Messiah, love the
      priest instead of the God. They do not
      mistake the lover for their own pleasure,
      they are like great runners: they know they are alone
      with the road surface, the cold, the wind,
      the fit of their shoes, their over-all cardio-
      vascular health–just factors, like the partner
      in the bed, and not the truth, which is the
      single body alone in the universe
      against its own best time.

      ~ Sharon Olds

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