funny how

hand to hand

hand to hand
Written by Cathoel Jorss,

I went to a new physiotherapist today for my injured hand, and experienced all the Germanness. Me and the therapist, who is 23, have to call each other Mrs So and So, Mrs So. Her first name is not vouchsafed on her nametag and the surname was very German and unfamiliar to me. I thought of the writer friend whose multilingual office reverts from “Tom,” “Iris,” “Nancy” etc in English to “Herr Geltrausch, Frau Petersilie, Fräulein Kartoffelpuder” when they switch to German again.

I am learning, with reluctance, the kinds of boring German words which mean “cancellation fee” and “referral” and “health insurance.” She measured the ring finger whose persistent swelling since it was ‘ausgekugelt’, that is, the marble popped out – dislocated – in Brisbane in July, makes it difficult to bend and refrained from making the insensitive joke other hand therapists have made, which is that if I want to marry I will have to wear the ring on my thumb.

She asked what do I do, and I told her, I used to play guitar, and we both looked down at the swollen sore knuckle and I started to cry. Germans are often so compassionate. But they’re formal. In the waiting room a special chair for children was piled with comical stuffed animals, each in its own way an expressive beast. The sun shone through the window like the first day of Spring. It is cold but the ice cream shops have opened and as I walked home I passed junk shops which have laid out their junk for the first time since September. In the waiting room of the physiotherapist practice numerous framed notices began, formally, “Very Honoured Patients and Patientesses…” then invited us to help ourselves to coffee and tea, therapeutic toys and basins of lentils to sift through, heat pads and cold pads, filtered water, and biscuits.

6 comments on “hand to hand

  1. A-LC says:

    This poem/song is widely accepted to be about the fear of losing a loved person, but it resonates hugely with me about the fear of losing a part of myself, a thing that I don’t just do, I *am*.
    Your post reminded me of it x

    ‘Die Nacht’
    Music: Richard Strauss
    Poetry: Hermann von Gilm

    • Cathoel Jorss says:

      Oh! such beautiful lyrics, truly haunting! I haven’t worked out whether he wrote the words as well. Thank you, A-L, I love this and your window opened on the situation and my sense of loss hurts me and heals too. x

      Alles nimmt sie, was nur hold,
      Nimmt das Silber weg des Stroms
      Nimmt vom Kupferdach des Doms
      Weg das Gold.

  2. Jameela says:

    Cathoel! I am sending my love and healing thumb thoughts to you…have you tried magnet therapy? I rashly pooh-poohed it but then my mom gave me a wrist strap for my tendinitis and IT WORKS…

    • Cathoel Jorss says:

      Healing thumb thoughts sound so good, somehow cuddlesome – I have not tried magnet therapy! If it works for you, and for your mamma, I am going to try it. Wouldn’t have thought of it otherwise, thank you Jameela.

  3. Josephine Frankland says:

    Oh no Cathoel! I didn’t realise you are unable to play guitar! Sapphire blue shining healing hand energy to you! As a back up, excellent physio and professional expert medical/surgical doctoring to you dear Cathoel. Let your song sing! xxx ❤ Josephine

    • Cathoel Jorss says:

      Oh, thank you so much dear Josephine. It’s just crushed my heart. Your loving wishes and good advice are healing indeed. Have been going to hand-physio twice a week for six months but this week I found a really good one, fingers crossed (once I can get them there) ❤

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