taking care of the place

how many Brazilians does it take to shave a planet

how many Brazilians does it take to shave a planet
Written by Cathoel Jorss,

Brazil has, how can I put this, the richest store of remaining rainforest in the universe. THE UNIVERSE. In the middle of this pristine and irreplaceable pharmacy they have built a giant stadium for football. FOR FOOTBALL. It has no roads leading to or away and during the World Cup it will be used four times.

Australia on the other hand has, how can I put this: custody of the largest living organism in (so far as we know) the universe. THE UNIVERSE. We plan to dump dredging sludge into this exquisite ecosystem and our Prime Minister is making a grand tour of idiotic lunacy through Canadia and the US, drumming up support for his project to put ecological care aside so that we can concentrate on making money. MAKING MONEY. How did these people reach adulthood.

4 comments on “how many Brazilians does it take to shave a planet

  1. Cathoel Jorss says:

    Isn’t it. Makes me angry. It feels like the most short-sighted and most selfish people have control.

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