i wish

On the bridge I pass two young women pushing prams walking with a guy chugging beer. They have their responsibilities, he has his beer. He is much larger than his baby mama, and in order that he can burp, twice, deliberately, right in her face, he has to crouch. Her head is down, she keeps pushing, and that is what makes me want to learn how to say in German: “You are in an abusive relationship.”
Charming fella.
“Er missbraucht dich,” would probably be the closest to a rather literate translation.
Ah er missbraucht dich! Thank you Lia, that is extremely clarifying. I wouldn’t have thought of putting it that way.
Reminds me of being hemmed in in the bookshop by a fellow at the desk, who broke out a long stinky fart without breaking the stride of his conversation or facial expression.
Such a deliberate, knowing, contemptuous insult. And because it’s non-verbal, he leaves the burden on you to verbalise it if you want to contest his statement. What an expert misogynist. How did you respond?
I suffered it, at the time. As we do till we toughen up and are no longer surprised by what people will do.
Yes. And he accurately predicted it would be hard for you not to suffer it.
He deliberately put you in a position where it was as difficult as possible to respond. He knowingly took advantage of the conditioning we are all raised to in this culture, that women should be seen and not heard. Very hard to respond, especially as a young woman taught it is dangerous not to please. I’d have been hemmed in by this, too.
Disgusted for you.
I would have asked, “Do you often speak in shit?” Laughed and walked away …
I wish she had. I hope she does.