imagine if
this song’s about

Someone was asking for songwriting ideas and I came up with these. Ideas are easy, it’s the completion that stings.
Pushing your bicycle past a house where a particular song is playing.
Seeing a cloud in the shape of something you love, or fear.
A leaf falls in front of your feet and it makes a sound that reminds you of…
Waiting at the traffic lights I thought I saw you but….
The shadow of a church falls into the street, is godliness tipping into traffic?
Our Prime Minister tours the world like a beauty queen clutching his inadequate speech. Insulting people is his superpower.
Why we all love the Dalai Lama and conflate him with David Attenborough.
Imagine being Brad Pitt’s brother, “the homely one.”
For me, those are a list of painting titles. :)
I hadn’t thought of that, Jane! In other news, they could also be a list of prompts – painting, writing, peculiar documentaries.
On my mind lately has been Eno’s lucent materials. Or does he call them candid songwriting clues.