taking care of the place

The Senate and the House. They are just going to do so much damage. I can hardly breathe, hardly swallow, it’s like iron in the chest. Now we see how dangerous our fears are, how fatal this cleaving to the lying pseudo-certainty that fist-raising white men seem to offer – in the face of unprecedented disaster, in the face of loss. Truthful people now are saying, we’re not sure how to deal with all these new and perilous situations, they have never occurred before and they imbalance each other, let’s all pull together and get all our wisdom, all hands on deck. The pseudo hero ‘lone man with a gun’ fantasy is now ruining the country. I feel afraid for habitats, for furry and slimy creatures, for any human who does not fit the pattern authorised by Trump’s arrogant male-centric white supremacist tune. God help us, even though there is clearly no god.
I hear ya.
Hmm, yes.
There may be a god, I’m just not sure she/he voted ????
Put so eloquently as always Cathoel. Welcome back to the 1960’s. All that good work undone. Sure you won’t mind if I pinch this… Some people I know need to read it. Thank you for sharing your practical, emotional and deep thoughts. X
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