funny how
vaxy nation

How amazing that we merrily use some products of industrialization without stopping to think that they are filling our bodies with toxins, our water table, our soils & seas. How amazing that we snobbishly question other products of industrialization without stopping to think they have saved us from a childhood death rate that was vicious. “In developing countries mothers will queue overnight to get their children immunized,” says “an exasperated Christine Selvey, acting director of the communicable diseases branch of NSW Health.” Parents “who choose to believe the anti-vaccination myths ‘are really relying on the fact that the vast majority of parents do vaccinate their children. Their child is protected by the fact that everybody else around them is vaccinated.'”
Dr Brian Morton, a GP who is also chair of the council of general practice for the Australian Medical Association, “wishes we all knew more about the lives of our forebears, those who lived in the 1920s and 1930s when it was common to lose siblings to childhood diseases. ‘We don’t have access to that community memory, knowing what it was really like to see your family members sick or die with it.'”
These thoughts in response to Catherine Armitage, Sydney Morning Herald, January 11-12, 2014.