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reggae punk
Night walk in the late afternoon. There is a large punk stationed outside the supermarket, asking for coins as people emerge from the light within; he is tall, broad, and mighty, wearing a lycra miniskirt more
an apple tree with one of its seeds
So cold and empty at the heart today. I feel all the little threads connecting me to everyday life in the usual world - the usual world of Brisbane, that I grew so painfully and more
grafitti cake & cold wind
Walking past yet another housing estate whose walls are festooned to arm's length with torn posters, glued art, endless tags. A small, modest sign up top reads: Nothing is to be stuck on here. "Nothing more
the lonely honest man
A man on the street broke my heart open and I can't stop thinking about him. We had turned a corner heading for my friend's atelier to surprise-visit her, when out from behind a parked more
you are like a fresh cranberry
God, I am so in love right now. Partly because of food and partly because of language. We decided I needed to really touch down in Germany, not to be always looking back over my more
when nothing really mattress
Being back has been all too much. My body is toiling through an endless misery of sudden change and dark culture shock. And it feels like during the four days I have been travelling underwater, more
alles ganz frisch
No Murdoch press and the sun has come out! How much fresher can Germany get. We have eaten a breakfast of thinly sliced things rolled on platters served with other, slightly more thickly sliced dark more
crop of the air
I got up in the middle of the night and went over to the window. It wasn't the middle of the night, it was half-past five in the afternoon, I had slept from nine til more
Abu Dubai
Abu Dhabi airport. The altered reality of long haul travel is hard to convey. It does feel like we are hauling something, up from under the water. My hearing is dimmed and my sense of more