The Declaration of Independence lists crimes against the American people which drove them to reject British rule. Replace ‘the King’ with ‘Trump’ and this list still makes sense. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these […]


I spend a lot of time in this household running downstairs to close the door and just breathe. I duck out to coffee houses and get sane again. I spend time among the trees, or failing that, among the pot plants. This morning a friend of my father’s, a gracious fellow whom Dad first met […]


If I ruled the world for one day: to do list 1. make leafblowers illegal. These waste fossil fuel and create pollution & noise pollution. They’re useless and they encourage blame-shifting. Communities who can afford the use of leafblowers invariably need more physical activity. Raking leaves is peaceful and calming. 2. all toilet paper to […]


Bought The Saturday Paper, the one not owned by a misanthrope sadist. Carried it into my favourite weekend cafe and sat down. They were playing the Rolling Stones: bloke music. The first sentence that caught my eye was: “Trying to explain why fiction matters, novelist Ian McEwan put it simply. ‘Cruelty,’ he said, ‘is a […]

An Abbott and two Bishops. Are we actually being governed by some weird splinter faction of the Catholic Church?

It seems to me the central stupidity of the revolutionary mindset is, it says: You can’t use the same kind of thinking to build the future as you used to build the past. So we need to destroy McDonalds, overthrow the government, raze the Catholic church, etc. But what is this doing? It’s using the […]