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Today in a cafe two small incidents seemed to me to illustrate the forms of self-involvement that are more common to women, and to men.A man walked in and ordered a coffee at the counter. more
shriveled bulb of god
My stomach feels like a shrivelled bulb after two martinis, no dinner. Whoever invented alcohol is my god: right now, my god. The last time I had one of those (a martini, a god) was more
gulp it
Last night I went out for jazz and at the bar a man nibbling on the rim of his beer said thoughtfully, You are doing such a great job tonight. I said, Thanks! Then: Great more
Yesterday I was at my friend's place after a thunderstorm and she had a little curving highway of ants running up over her wall, so tiny they looked like caterpillar's eyelashes, and I said look! more
cane toddler
I was lying on my bed reading in the stifling heat today and a cane toad went hopping past my door. I found him in the hallway looking inscrutably lumpy, there followed a prolonged episode more