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in armful’s way
Looked up from my crouching position in the gutter to see this luscious young woman who works in my local deli. Uh, I said, I'm just taking some footage of this water rippling down the more
Writing this morning in a cafe I glanced up and saw a young woman coming in on crutches, she was slightly built and small and following at a painful distance the bigger, older man who more
sharing the Herb
Herbie Hancock came to play Brisbane, it was bona fide. He and the band really loved it each other. When he came onstage, spontaneously people in the audience stood up, one by one, until pretty more
without spilling a thing
This beautiful waiter was so caring and funny, he stood for five minutes as a very young guest chose his pizza, then I saw him across the room carrying a fully-laden table with quivering wine more
Today in a cafe two small incidents seemed to me to illustrate the forms of self-involvement that are more common to women, and to men.A man walked in and ordered a coffee at the counter. more