taking care of the place

antiquities vs the antiquated: Abbott’s true agenda

antiquities vs the antiquated: Abbott’s true agenda
Written by Cathoel Jorss,

Ok listen up. Abbott wants to forcibly shut down outback Indigenous communities in remote areas of Western Australia that just happen to coincide with a bunch of mining exploration leases. Our government – whom we as a people elected and are responsible for – are about to move off their immemorial lands a people who have been caring for and cared for by this Country of theirs for longer than any other peoples on earth. They are the oldest living civilisation and have survived genocidal intrusion, deliberate and mass kidnappings of their kids and jailings of their men. What is happening is the most ancient traditions on Earth are being shoved aside to make way for a depleting, exploitative mining industry that is rapidly falling into obsolescence. That is, the world’s oldest living cultures are to be replaced by technologies which are merely outdated. Now is the time we all need to be Idle No More. Make yourself heard.

8 comments on “antiquities vs the antiquated: Abbott’s true agenda

  1. Cathoel Jorss says:

    Thank you Craig! It’s out of print at the moment but you can buy the ebook while I’m organising the reprint, if you’d like.


  2. annette says:

    And, let’s not forget the Pacific trade deal for which this, i believe, is a smoksecreen.

  3. Cathoel Jorss says:

    Sad and infuriating. I agree, Laura. And I can’t see why even minds driven merely by profit cannot grasp that there is wealth in the culture and wisdom and *ahem* tourism and education potential we are fortunate enough to have living amongst us, surviving, adapting, in living Indigenous cultures.

  4. Cathoel Jorss says:

    I think if they truly believed voters were stupid, Charles, they probably wouldn’t bother to regulate freedom of information and attempt to control the press so strenuously… don’t you reckon?

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