i wish

postcard torrent

postcard torrent
Written by Cathoel Jorss,

A few years ago I was living in Berlin and it felt indefinite. I had not made plans to stay and felt unable to leave. I felt homesick and unsure and one day I asked on facebook if anybody felt like sending me a postcard through the mail. I just love postcards. Occasionally I send them to myself.

Weeks later I came home and opened my postbox at the door of my new sublet apartment with its old-fashioned sign, “Briefe und Zeitungen,” letters and newspapers. This torrent fell out. As we get closer to Christmas I want to remind myself and us all that this world is made up of seven billion diverse humans, and that by and large, humans are constituted of love.

7 comments on “postcard torrent

  1. Jeanie says:

    Isn’t it bizarre how, when you are at your lowest and need love the most (because your own self-love is being tarnished) it can be like a desert – and that the simplest of acts can remind us that love is there in all forms, we just need to be open and hope. Asking for signs is one way. Another is to find a way to love the universe and its inhabitants and show those simple acts ourselves – not always so easy to get started doing (see the above).

  2. Jess O says:

    ???????????????????????? love Jess

  3. Red Bingham says:

    I just love you and your work Cathoel. Have a great 2018. I hope we get to meet in person one day. ❤

    • Cathoel Jorss says:

      I will love that, Red, thank you for your warm words, which are beautiful to hear. Wishing you a good slide, as Germans so sweetly put it, into 2018. Bis dann x

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