i wish

this most severe moon & I

this most severe moon & I
Written by Cathoel Jorss,

A house nearby is small, wooden, and humble, a tiny workers’ cottage in the classic Queensland style. Only it’s been done up like an Ascot knot with a formal grey-and-dark-grey paint job, art-gallery landscaping (blades), and an unpleasant extension bigger and taller than the house that clamps onto its back side like some shuttered and illegal petrol station. It looks like a small, private jail for teenagers. It occurs to me that is perhaps what it is: the parents maybe have built this for their kids who were too big to leave sprawling round the living room and too small in the eyes of the world to take their chances under a beckoning dancing and quite shameless moon. As with beads, as with knucklebones, as with tealeaves: who can tell.

2 comments on “this most severe moon & I

  1. Diane McLauchlan says:

    Well written. Great pic in my mind’s eye.

  2. Cathoel Jorss says:

    Thanks Diane. I’m glad to hear you liked it.

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