i wish
to the friend who couldn’t quit

I still spend an hour every morning coughing earnestly and can’t laugh without coughing. I thought I was trapped for life. So I hear you and I just want to say: nicotine cravings last four minutes in the body. The rest is mindgame. If you can ‘delay, drink water, do something else’ for four minutes at a time…
Well it feels like you’d be losing your closest companion and beloved/loathed best friend, but what I found: that forest fire I dreading walking into turned out to be a wall of flame like in Hollywood and I walked through it so much faster than I could have believed. And: I have literally never missed it. Not once.
You can. If you ever really want to – you will. Think of all those years you never missed it before you started and… I hope you might feel ready one day, so that the rest of us can treasure and enjoy you, for longer.