i wish

climate chains

climate chains
Written by Cathoel Jorss,

God, I feel so depressed about the American midterm results today. What seems clear is: the more frightened people become about the horrors of climate disaster, water wars, drought refugees,  the more they vote for these cowboys in the big hats who say: The Lord spoke to me personally, and told me… how to save us all.

No matter how many studies associate extreme Conservatism with lower IQ… no matter how clearly we know that intelligence is dimmed by terror… we still reach for the Big Man’s Salvation in a crisis. Crises deepen and worsen on every side. Therefore we leap straight from 100% denial into “well, there’s nothing we can do about that now, it’s too late… batten down the hatches.” When oh when will we allow the love that is in us to rule our hearts, our world, our hearts?

2 comments on “climate chains

  1. RoughAcres says:

    (((Cathoel))) <3 R

  2. Alison Lambert says:

    When money becomes illegal? Or better still, unnecessary.

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